
sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2014

Mais de 100 Perguntas para Host Family e para as Au Pairs

Oi gente, 
Tudo bem?

Eu sei que dei uma breve sumida, mas vou fazer um outro post atualizando.

Hoje eu vim falar sobre as perguntas para fazer para as Host Families. A Dee e a  Paulinha haviam me pedido, e mesmo a Paula já tendo match eu resolvi fazer o post pois tenho certeza de que vai ajudar outras pessoas também (sorry pelo atraso Paula :/ ). Então vamos lá!

Nos meus skypes, como eu falei pra vocês, a maioria das perguntas foram feitas pelas kids, então eles queriam saber sobre minhas coisas favoritas, como comida, lugar, cor, princesa da Disney, esporte, sabor de sorvete, tv show, animais, brinquedos, etc. Acho válido se preparem para essas perguntas, pois as vezes tem coisas que nunca nem paramos pra pensar né, e também se preparem pra faze-las. Essa é uma maneira legal até de conquistar as kids e saber o que fazer com eles quando chegar lá.

Uma vez, eu achei em algum blog (não me lembro qual) algumas perguntas para fazer no skype. Elas são separadas em perguntas para as kids, family, sobre a cidade e sobre os deveres.

Sobre as kids:

1) Let's say her name is Caroline]. Hi, how should I call you? Is Caroline fine?
2) How many children are there and what are their names?
3) How old are they?
4) How is their daily schedule like?
5) What do they like to do?
6) Do they have favorite toys or games?
7) Do they practice sports? If YES, which ones? Do they swim yet?
8) Are they going to school yet? If so, how far from your house is the school?
9) Do they go to school by bus or by car? Do I have to drive them?
10) Are they allowed to have friends over?  
11) What do they like to eat? Do you follow a speciel diet?
12) Would I be responsible for their dinner, lunch and breakfast every day? 
13) What time do they go to bed?
14) Are they allowed to watch tv/listen to music/play video games?
15) Are they allergic to something? 

Sobre os parents:

16) Where do you work and what do you do?
17) Do you have any hobbies?
18) Do you have family members living near by?
19) Do you travel a lot? If Yes, where do you go? Would I have to go, too?
20) Do you live in a house or apart.? 
21) Have you ever traveled to other countries? Did you like it? 
22) Do you know anything about my country?
23) Have you lived abroad? If so, how hard was that for you?
24) Why are you hosting an au pair? 
25) What qualities do you think your au pair should have?
25.1) Have you ever had an au pair before? What do you mind if I talk to her or send her an e-mail? Why did she go home? How was her relationship with your kids? 

Sobre a cidade:

26) How is your city? What are the other cities nearby?  
27) Are there a lot of schools/colleges/universities near your town/city? If YES, which ones?
Are they too expensive?
28) Do you have pets?
29) Do you have a housekeeper? Is she/he going to clean my room, too? Does she/he come every week?
30) Are there many au pairs in the area?
31) Where can I take the kids? What things are there to do with kids? Any parks? Library? gym centers?

Sobre os deveres:

32) Do you have any house rules? What are they?
33) Where is the au pair room located? Can you describe the room?
34) Do I have to share the bathroom with the kids or do I have my own?
35) What happens if I am talking to your kid and he/she is not behaving well? Am I allowed to give them some time out?
36) Am I reponsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
37) Are my friends and family members allowed to come over to visit me?
38) Is there a car for the au pair to use?Can I drive it during my free time, too? Am I be responsible for gas?
39) Is there a cellphone for the au pair to use? 
40) What activities do you expect me to do with the children?
41) Will I have access to internet? Is there a computer I can use?
42) How will my schedule be like?Will I have the weekends off? 
43) Will I have time to study? 
44) Will I have a curfew? 

Apesar de no geral parecer bastante perguntas na hora do skype (pelo menos acontece comigo) elas foram poucas, até porque nem todas as perguntas se adequam a host family. Então de uma lida antes e adapte a realidade da sua família. 

Além dessas perguntas, a Gisella havia me passado uma vez um arquivo com 100 perguntas que toda au pair deveria saber responder ou perguntar, e eu tomei a liberdade de vir aqui dividir com vocês. Tem perguntas pra fazer para as HF, para AP responder, para a entrevista do visto, tem as mais importantes que devemos saber responder, etc. E elas estão separadas por cores. Deem uma olhada:

1- Tell me about your experience with kids. 
2- Tell me what you like to do with children.
3- What can you do to entertain a child?
4- In your opinion, what are the main qualities we need to have as an Au Pair?
5- What do you think the family hopes for in an Au Pair?
6- Tell me about you: your interests, skills, what you enjoy doing in your free time and weekends.
7- What do you most like to do in you free time?
8- Talk about interesting courses you've done (not just relating to children), sports that you do or have done.
9- Why did you decide to be an Au Pair?
10- What do you expect to learn from this program?
11- Do you think the experience you have with children here will be different in the United States?
12- Are you graduated? What will you do when you return?
13- Tell me about your family, how is your relationship, if you have siblings… What do your parents do? Do you live together? Have you lived alone?
14- What are your responsibilities at home? 
15- How long have you been driven? Are you afraid of driving in the United States?
16- How do you consider your English (basic, intermediate or advanced) and how long have you studied English?
17- Do you have piercing or tattoo? Do you wear make up every day?
18- Who is the most important person for you? Why?
19-  What would you do if a friend decide to visit your city?
20- What kind of books do you like to read?
21- What country would you like to visit? Why? Give examples.
22- Which places would you like to go in the U.S.? Why?
23- Talk about something difficult that you've done and explain how you overcame it.
24- Tell me about something you've been afraid to do and why?
25- Talk about things that you consider right or wrong.
26- Talk about things that you enjoy doing with your family.
27- Do you like to study? What was your favorite subject in school?
28- What would you change in your school?
29- What would you do if a child does something that was not suppose to do and how will a child listen to your advices?
30- What you would you do if a child gets angry, crying or kicking?
31- What can you do if siblings fight or cannot play good together?
32- What can you do if two children want your attention at the same time?
33- How can you help a child who cries when his mother leaves?
34- What kind of activities do you like to do with children?
35- How was the longest period of time you have spent away from your family and friends?
36- Do you think you will get sad or lonely while you are away from your family? What can you do about it?
37- What do your parents think about your decision to become an au pair? Do you think they will visit you while you are in the U.S.? How do you plan to keep in touch with them?
38- What will you do if you feel like you are under a lot of pressure?
39- Do your parents have any rules that you must have to follow in your house? Do you let your parents to know where you are going and what time you are coming back? Do you have to be home by a certain time at night? How do you feel about house rules?
40- Based on the time of day that you will start work (give a concrete example), what time do you think you would need to be sleeping in order to take good care of the children in the next day?
41- Who is responsible for things like cooking, cleaning and doing laundry in your house? How much do your parents expect from you to help? How much do you help?
42- Describe your town or city. What do you like or dislike about it?
43- If someone were describing you, what would the person say?
44- If you took a picture of your room right now, what would it look like? Are you neat or messy? How would you feel living with someone who is neat or messy?
45- Do you like to plan your day or prefer things to “just happen”?
46- When you go out with your friends, where do you go? What do you guys do? How many times for week do you go out with friends?
47- Describe the kind of relationship that you have with your parents and sibling. What activities do you do together as a family? What is your favorite thing to do together?
48- What is the best memory that you have from your family?
49- How many times a year do you usually have to go to the doctor because you are sick?
50- Do you regularly need to visit your doctor for a medical condition such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.?
51- What is your favorite meal? What kinds of foods do you usually eat? Are there any kind of foods that you cannot eat? Are you a vegetarian? Do you follow a diet?
52- Do you smoke cigarettes on a daily basis? Do you smoke cigarettes when you go out at night? If so, do you think that you will be able to stop smoking when you are in the house and car and around the children?
53- What things would you like to do while you are in the U.S.? Do you have any hobbies or activities that you would like to continue doing while in the U.S.? Are there any new activities that you would like to do?
54- What kind of course would you like to take while you are in the U.S.?
55- How long have you been driving? How often do you drive? What kind of roads do you normally drive on? Have you ever driven on a highway? What kind of vehicle do you drive?
56- Have you ever been stopped by a policeman while you were driving because you did something wrong? If so, what happened?
57- How would you feel about driving the children?
58- What qualities do you think are important in as an Au Pair?
59- What are you going to do in the U.S.?
60- Have you ever travel abroad?
61- Why do you want to be an au pair?
62- How does the Au Pair program work? How did you meet this host family? Have you talked to them?
63- How much did you pay for the agency?
64- What are the hosts names?
65- What do they do?
66- How many kids do they have? Names, ages.
67- How did they know about the program?
68- Do you have experience with child?
69- How long will you be there?
70- Where will you live there?
71- What else will you do there?
72- Do you live with your parents?
73- What do your parents do?
74- What is the amount of money your family make per month?
75- What do your siblings do?
76- Do you study? Where? What? When?
77- Where did you study English? For how long?
78- Who is paying for this exchange?
79- Do you work? What do you do? Since when?
80- When are you leaving the country?
81- What will you do until there?
82- How old are you?
83- What will you do when you come back?
84- Do you have family or friends in the U.S.?
85- When did the last Au Pair leave?
86- How do the children feel about having an au pair taking care of them?
87- What will be my responsibilities for each child?
88- Is there anything you don't want me to do with them?
89- When are their birthdays?
90- What are their favorite colors?
91- What are their favorite games and toys?
92- Do they have friends that live close to them?
93- Will I be able to help the kids with homework?
94- What time do they go to school and come back?
95- Are there any English schools near to your house?
96- Will I be able to drive to my school while the kids are in school for example?
97- Is there gym close to the house?
98- Do their grandparents live close?
99- Do you go to the church?
100- Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?

Uffa! Quanta coisa não? Agora quero vê aupairzada sem saber o que perguntar e responder!  rsrs

Acho que depois de tudo isso não preciso dizer mais nada né?

Espero muito que ajude vocês!


7 comentários:

  1. GENTE, seu blog está com uma cara nova ou é meu pc?
    Amiga, sem problemas pelo atraso, tenho certeza que esse post será muito útil para futuras au pairs. Quando fui fazer meus primeiros Skypes pesquisei no google e achei alguns blogs com perguntas, no entanto, eu já sabia a resposta de quase todas, então eu tive que usar a criatividade, principalmente no skype com a kid, perguntei até sobre revista em quadrinhos, mas nada comparado a um mini show com violão e tudo! rs Você é muito chique! rs Brincadeiras a parte, esse post será bastante lido por gurias que farão o primeiro Skype e muito útil! ;D AMEI!
    Um beijão.

    1. Oii Paulinha, acho que é seu PC, não mudei nada no blog não rsrs
      Ahh sim, essas perguntas ajudam um monte mas na hora temos que usar a criatividade porque sempre vão surgir aquelas perguntas inusitadas.

    2. Esse é o melhor post sobre o tema, você arrasou!!

  2. Estaaaaavaaa a temposss procurandoo essas perguntas que as familias podem fazer para nós para treinar e nadaaaa, vocee me salvooooo rsrsrsrsr, adoooreiii!!!

    Muitoo bom oo bblogg estouu seguindoo, seguee oo meu la tambem!!

    Obs: gostei muitoo e meu proximo post queria colocar algumas dicas assim posso copiar essas 100 perguntas??

    Thanskss Thankss

    1. Oii Pam,
      Aahh que bom que você gostou, imagino mesmo que vai ajudar muita gente :D
      Já estou te seguindo.
      Claro que pode colocar essas perguntas, vamos espalhar pra galera.

  3. Adorei Lari!!!
    Obrigada pelo post, ajudou muito.... :)
    Acho super importante termos o que falar e saber o que pode vir de perguntas né?

    1. Oii Fer!!
      Que bom que ajudou :D
      Siim, sempre temos que estar preparadas com perguntas né ;)
